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Showing 261 - 280 of 287 results

Mental health and psychosocial support for South Sudanese refugees in northern Uganda: a needs and resource assessment

Conflict and Health
Publication Type

Since December 2013, an armed conflict in South Sudan has resulted in the displacement of over 2.2 million people, more than 270,000 of whom are presently in refugee settlements located throughout Uganda. Existing literature suggests that refugees are at increased risk for a range of mental health and psychosocial problems. There is international consensus on the importance of needs and resource assessments to inform potential mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) interventions.


Health Care Access and Utilization after the 2010 Pakistan Floods

Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
Publication Type

Introduction: The 2010 floods submerged more than one-fifth of Pakistan's land area and affected more than 20 million people. Over 1.6 million homes were damaged or destroyed and 2,946 direct injuries and 1,985 deaths were reported. Infrastructure damage was widespread, including critical disruptions to the power and transportation networks. Hypothesis Damage and loss of critical infrastructure will affect the population's ability to seek and access adequate health care for years to come. This study sought to evaluate factors associated with access to health care in the aftermath of the 2010 Pakistan floods.

Methods: A population-proportional, randomized cluster-sampling survey method with 80 clusters of 20 (1,600) households of the flood-affected population was used. Heads of households were surveyed approximately six months after flood onset. Multivariate analysis was used to determine significance.

Results: A total of 77.8% of households reported needing health services within the first month after the floods. Household characteristics, including rural residence location, large household size, and lower pre- and post-flood income, were significantly associated (P<.05) with inadequate access to health care after the disaster. Households with inadequate access to health care were more likely to have a death or injury in the household. Significantly higher odds of inadequate access to health care were observed in rural populations (adjusted OR 4.26; 95% CI, 1.89-9.61).

Conclusion: Adequate health care access after the 2010 Pakistani floods was associated with urban residence location, suggesting that locating health care providers in rural areas may be difficult. Access to health services also was associated with post-flood income level, suggesting health resources are not readily available to households suffering great income losses. Jacquet GA , Kirsch T , Durrani A , Sauer L , Doocy S . Health care access and utilization after the 2010 Pakistan floods. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2016;31(5):485-491.


Pediatric injury during conflict and prolonged insecurity in Iraq from 2003-2014

Publication Type

Background: Injury disproportionately affects low- and middle-income countries, and in Iraq, this risk has been compounded by conflict and insecurity since the Coalition invasion in 2003. Children in such settings are particularly vulnerable; yet, the epidemiology of pediatric injury during conflict has not been previously described. This study aimed to characterize the pattern and outcomes of pediatric injury in Baghdad, Iraq from 2003-2014.

Methods: We conducted a cluster-randomized, cross-sectional, community-based survey in Baghdad in 2014 to determine the epidemiology and impact of injuries since 2003. This study details the injury patterns and outcomes among children (ie, <18 years of age) as well as care sought and provided.

Results: A total of 900 households, which represented 5,148 persons, were surveyed. There were 152 pediatric injuries from 2003-2014 (28% of all injuries). The incidence of childhood injury during the study period was 6.5 per 1,000 life years. The most common cause of injury was fall (52 injuries; 34% of pediatric injuries) followed by road traffic crash (32; 22%). Fifteen percent of pediatric injuries were directly related to conflict (22 injuries). There were 10 reported deaths (7% of pediatric injuries).

Conclusion: Although falls and road traffic crashes were the most common causes of childhood injury, conflict was directly responsible for 1 in 6 injuries. The number of pediatric injuries that resulted in death far exceeded that of low- and middle-income countries unaffected by conflict. These findings reflect the importance of pediatric injury prevention, protection of vulnerable populations, and essential trauma care during conflict.


Health service access and utilization among Syrian refugees in Jordan

International Journal for Equity in Health
Publication Type

The influx of Syrian refugees into Jordan presents an immense burden to the Jordanian health system. Changing lifestyles and aging populations are shifting the global disease burden towards increased non-infectious diseases including chronic conditions, co-morbidities, and injuries which are more complicated and costly to manage. The strain placed on health systems threatens the ability to ensure the health needs of both refugees and host country populations are adequately addressed. In light of the increasing challenges facing host governments and humanitarian actors to meet health needs of Syrian refugees and affected host communities, this study was undertaken to assess utilization of health services among Syrian refugees in non-camp settings. Methods: A survey of Syrian refugees in Jordan was undertaken in June 2014 to characterize health seeking behaviors and issues related to accessing care. A cluster design with probability proportional to size sampling was used to attain a nationally representative sample of 1550 non-camp Syrian refugee households. Differences in household characteristics by geographic region, facility type, and sector utilized were examined using chi-square and t-test methods.

Peripheral Arterial Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review

JAMA Surgery
Publication Type

Importance: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) causes significant morbidity and is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease-related mortality. However, the burden of PAD in sub-Saharan Africa is poorly understood.

Objective: To assess epidemiological and clinical reports regarding PAD from sub-Saharan Africa such that the regional epidemiology and management of PAD could be described and recommendations offered.

Evidence review: A systematic search in PubMed, Medline, Embase, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and Google Scholar for reports pertaining to the epidemiology and/or management of PAD in sub-Saharan Africa was performed. Reports that met inclusion criteria were sorted into 3 categories: population epidemiology, clinical epidemiology, and surgical case series. Findings were extracted and described.

Findings: The search returned 724 records; of these, 16 reports met inclusion criteria. Peripheral arterial disease epidemiology and/or management was reported from 10 of the 48 sub-Saharan African countries. Peripheral arterial disease prevalence ranged from 3.1% to 24% of adults aged 50 years and older and 39% to 52% of individuals with known risk factors (eg, diabetes). Medical management was only described by 2 reports; both documented significant undertreatment of PAD as a cardiovascular disease risk factor. Five surgical case series reported that trauma and diabetes-related complications were the most common indications for vascular surgery.

Conclusions and relevance: The prevalence of PAD in sub-Saharan Africa may be equal to or higher than that in high-income countries, exceeding 50% in some high-risk populations. In addition to population-based studies that better define the PAD burden in sub-Saharan Africa, health systems should consider studies and action regarding risk factor mitigation, targeted screening, medical management of PAD, and defining essential vascular care.

The spatial distribution of injuries in need of surgical intervention in Nepal

Geospatial Health
Publication Type

Geographic information system modelling can accurately represent the geospatial distribution of disease burdens to inform health service delivery. Given the dramatic topography of Nepal and a high prevalence of unmet surgical needs, we explored the consequences of topography on the prevalence of surgical conditions. The Nepalese Surgeons OverSeas Assessment of Surgical Need (SOSAS) is a validated, countrywide, cluster randomised survey that assesses surgical need in lowand middle-income countries; it was performed in Nepal in 2014. Data on conditions potentially affected by topography (e.g. fractures, hernias, injuries, burns) were extracted from the database. A national digital elevation model was used to determine altitude, aspect, slope steepness and curvature of the SOSAS survey sites. Forward stepwise linear regression was performed with prevalence of each surgical condition as the response variable and topographic data as explanatory variables. The highest correlation coefficient was for models predicting hernias and fractures, both explaining 21% of the variance. The model fitted to death due to fall would become significant when an outlier was excluded (P<0.001; R2=0.27). Excluding the outlier yielded a better-fitted model to burn injury (stepwise regression) without any explanatory variables. Other models trended towards a correlation, but did not have sufficient power to detect a difference. This study identified slight correlation between elevation and the prevalence of hernias and fall injuries. Further investigation on the effects of topography and geography on surgical conditions is needed to help determine if the data would be useful for directing allocation of surgical resources.

Barriers to essential surgical care experienced by women in the two northernmost regions of Ghana: a cross-sectional survey

BMC Women's Health
Publication Type

Background: Women in developing countries might experience certain barriers to care more frequently than men. We aimed to describe barriers to essential surgical care that women face in five communities in Ghana.

Methods: Questions regarding potential barriers were asked during surgical outreaches to five communities in the northernmost regions of Ghana. Responses were scored in three dimensions from 0 to 18 (i.e., 'acceptability,' 'affordability,' and 'accessibility'; 18 implied no barriers). A barrier to care index out of 10 was derived (10 implied no barriers). An open-ended question to elicit gender-specific barriers was also asked.

Results: Of the 320 participants approached, 315 responded (response rate 98 %); 149 were women (47 %). Women had a slightly lower barriers to surgical care index (median index 7.4; IQR 3.9-9.1) than men (7.9; IQR 3.9-9.4; p = 0.002). Compared with men, women had lower accessibility and acceptability dimension scores (14.4/18 vs 14.4/18; p = 0.001 and 13.5/18 vs 14/18; p = 0.05, respectively), but similar affordability scores (13.5/18 vs 13.5/18; p = 0.13). Factors contributing to low dimension scores among women included fear of anesthesia, lack of social support, and difficulty navigating healthcare, as well as lack of hospital privacy and confidentiality.

Conclusion: Women had a slightly lower barriers to surgical care index than men, which may indicate greater barriers to surgical care. However, the actual significance of this difference is not yet known. Community-level education regarding the safety and benefits of essential surgical care is needed. Additionally, healthcare facilities must ensure a private and confidential care environment. These interventions might ameliorate some barriers to essential surgical care for women in Ghana, as well as other LMICs more broadly.

Effectiveness of Interventions, Programs and Strategies for Gender-based Violence Prevention in Refugee Populations: An Integrative Review

PLOS Current: Disasters
Publication Type

Gender based violence (GBV) remains one of the most serious threats to the health and safety of women and girls worldwide. The problem is even more pronounced in refugee populations where women and girls are at increased risk of violence. In 2015, UNHCR reported the highest number of forcibly displaced people in recorded history. Despite growing need, there have been few rigorous evaluations of interventions aimed at primary GBV prevention and no systematic reviews of GBV prevention efforts specifically focused on refugee populations; reviews to date have primarily examined prevention of conflict related sexual violence, with very limited focus on other forms of GBV such as intimate partner violence Methods: This study reviewed the scientific literature addressing strategies for primary prevention of GBV and their effectiveness among refugee populations over the past ten years (2006 to 2015). Narrative content analysis methods were used to extract findings related to prevention activities/programs recommended by the global humanitarian community, such as sociocultural norms change, rebuilding family and community support structures, improving accountability systems, designing effective services and facilities, working with formal and traditional legal systems, monitoring and documenting GBV, and/or engaging men and boys in GBV prevention and response.

Health Service Utilization among Syrian Refugees with Chronic Health Conditions in Jordan

Publication Type

Introduction: The influx of Syrian refugees into Jordan presents an immense burden to the Jordanian health system, particularly in treating chronic health conditions. This study was undertaken to assess utilization of health services for chronic health conditions among Syrian refugees in non-camp settings.

Methods: A survey of Syrian refugees in Jordan was undertaken in June 2014 to characterize health seeking behaviors and issues related to accessing care for hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, and arthritis. A cluster design with probability proportional to size sampling was used to attain a nationally representative sample of 1550 non-camp Syrian refugee households.

Results: Of 1363 cases with a chronic health condition diagnosis, 84.7% had received care in Jordan. Public facilities faced a heavy burden serving over half (53.9%) of care-seekers; the remainder received care in the private (29.6%) and NGO/charity (16.6%) sectors. Individuals with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the central region of Jordan and with arthritis had the lowest rates of care-seeking when compared to other regions and conditions. Overall, 31.6% of care-seekers had an out-of-pocket payment for the most recent care-seeking event which averaged 18.8 USD (median = 0 USD), excluding cost of medications.

Discussion: Forced displacement presents major challenges to those with NCDs, which have the potential to seriously impact both the quality of life and life expectancy amongst refugees. NCD patterns among Syrian refugees indicate the importance of continuing support to public sector services in Jordan to adequately meet expanding needs and ensure appropriate prevention and control of priority NCDs.

Emily Lyles

Effectiveness of a pay-for-performance intervention to improve maternal and child health services in

International Journal of Epidemiology
Publication Type

Background: A cluster randomized trial of a pay-for-performance (P4P) scheme was implemented in Afghanistan to test whether P4P could improve maternal and child (MCH) services.

Methods: All 442 primary care facilities in 11 provinces were matched by type of facility and outpatient volume, and randomly assigned to the P4P or comparison arm. P4P facilities were given bonus payments based on the MCH services provided. An endline household sample survey was conducted in 72 randomly selected matched pair catchment areas (3421 P4P households; 3427 comparison).The quality of services was assessed in 81 randomly sampled matched pairs of facilities. Data collectors and households were blinded to the intervention assignment. MCH outcomes were assessed at the cluster level.

Results: There were no substantial differences in any of the five MCH coverage indicators (P4P vs comparison): modern contraception(10.7% vs 11.2% (P = 0.90); antenatal care: 56.2% vs 55.6% (P = 0.94); skilled birth attendance (33.9% vs 28.5%, P = 0.17); postnatal care (31.2% vs 30.3%, P = 0.98); and childhood pentavalent3 vaccination (49.6 vs 52.3%, P = 0.41), or in the equity measures. There were substantial increases in the quality of history and physical examinations index (P = 0.01); client counselling index (P = 0.01); and time spent with patients (P = 0.05). Health workers reported limited understanding about the bonuses.

Conclusions: The intervention had minimal effect, possibly due to difficulties communicating with health workers and inattention to demand-side factors. P4P interventions need to consider management and community demand issues.


Misoprostol for Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage at Home Birth in Afghanistan: Program Expansion

Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health
Publication Type

Introduction: Afghanistan has a maternal mortality ratio of 400 per 100,000 live births. Hemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal death. Two-thirds of births occur at home. A pilot program conducted from 2005 to 2007 demonstrated the effectiveness of using community health workers for advance distribution of misoprostol to pregnant women for self-administration immediately following birth to prevent postpartum hemorrhage. The Ministry of Public Health requested an expansion of the pilot to study implementation on a larger scale before adopting the intervention as national policy. The purpose of this before-and-after study was to determine the effectiveness of advance distribution of misoprostol for self-administration across 20 districts in Afghanistan and identify any adverse events that occurred during expansion.

Methods: Cross-sectional household surveys were conducted pre- (n = 408) and postintervention (n = 408) to assess the effect of the program on uterotonic use among women who had recently given birth. Maternal death audits and verbal autopsies were conducted to investigate peripartum maternal deaths that occurred during implementation in the 20 districts.

Results: Uterotonic use among women in the sample increased from 50.3% preintervention to 74.3% postintervention. Because of a large-scale investment in Afghanistan in training and deployment of community midwives, it was assumed that all women who gave birth in facilities received a uterotonic. A significant difference in uterotonic use at home births was observed among women who lived farthest from a health facility (> 90 minutes self-reported travel time) compared to women who lived closer (88.5% vs 38.9%; P < .0001). All women who accepted misoprostol and gave birth at home used the drug. No maternal deaths were identified among those women who used misoprostol.

Discussion: The results of this study build on the findings of the pilot program and provide evidence on the effectiveness, primarily measured by uterotonic use, of an expansion of advance distribution of misoprostol for self-administration.


Providing Anesthesia Care in Resource-limited Settings: A 6-year Analysis of Anesthesia Services Provided at Médecins Sans Frontières Facilities

Publication Type

Background: Anesthesia is integral to improving surgical care in low-resource settings. Anesthesia providers who work in these areas should be familiar with the particularities associated with providing care in these settings, including the types and outcomes of commonly performed anesthetic procedures.

Methods: The authors conducted a retrospective analysis of anesthetic procedures performed at Médecins Sans Frontières facilities from July 2008 to June 2014. The authors collected data on patient demographics, procedural characteristics, and patient outcome. The factors associated with perioperative mortality were analyzed.

Results: Over the 6-yr period, 75,536 anesthetics were provided to adult patients. The most common anesthesia techniques were spinal anesthesia (45.56%) and general anesthesia without intubation (33.85%). Overall perioperative mortality was 0.25%. Emergent procedures (0.41%; adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 15.86; 95% CI, 2.14 to 115.58), specialized surgeries (2.74%; AOR, 3.82; 95% CI, 1.27 to 11.47), and surgical duration more than 6 h (9.76%; AOR, 4.02; 95% CI, 1.09 to 14.88) were associated with higher odds of mortality than elective surgeries, minor surgeries, and surgical duration less than 1 h, respectively. Compared with general anesthesia with intubation, spinal anesthesia, regional anesthesia, and general anesthesia without intubation were associated with lower perioperative mortality rates of 0.04% (AOR, 0.10; 95% CI, 0.05 to 0.18), 0.06% (AOR, 0.26; 95% CI, 0.08 to 0.92), and 0.14% (AOR, 0.29; 95% CI, 0.18 to 0.45), respectively.

Conclusions: A wide range of anesthetics can be carried out safely in resource-limited settings. Providers need to be aware of the potential risks and the outcomes associated with anesthesia administration in these settings.

The Impact of Intergenerational Cultural Dissonance on Alcohol Use Among Vietnamese and Cambodian Adolescents in the United States

Journal of Adolescent Health
Publication Type

Purpose: Rates of alcohol use may be increasing among Asian-American adolescents. Among youth from Asian-immigrant families, intergenerational cultural dissonance (ICD), a difference in acculturation between children and caregivers, is associated with adverse childhood outcomes. This study investigates the longitudinal association of ICD and alcohol use among youth from immigrant Vietnamese and Cambodian families in the United States.

Methods: Two waves of annual data, wave 4 (baseline for this study) and wave 5 (follow-up), were obtained from the Cross-Cultural Families Project, a longitudinal study of 327 Vietnamese and Cambodian immigrant families in Washington State. The Asian-American Family Conflicts Scale was used to measure ICD. Adolescent alcohol use was measured as any drinking in the past 30 days. A multiple logistic regression model was estimated with the outcome, alcohol use, measured at the follow-up visit and all predictors, including ICD, measured at baseline. Sex, nationality, nativity, and acculturation were tested as modifiers of the ICD-alcohol use relationship.

Results: Nine percent of adolescents (age range 13-18 years) reported alcohol use at baseline and this increased significantly (p < .0001) to 16% one year later. ICD was associated with increased odds of alcohol use at follow-up (odds ratio: 1.57; 95% confidence interval: 1.03-2.41; p = .04). None of the interactions were statistically significant.

Conclusions: ICD is a significant predictor of alcohol use among Vietnamese and Cambodian adolescents. Interventions that should be targeted toward reducing ICD through enhancing parent-child communication and teaching bicultural competence skills may help prevent alcohol use problems among youth from immigrant families.

Health service utilization and access to medicines among Syrian refugee children in Jordan

Health Planning and Management
Publication Type

Background: With over one million Syrian refugee children in the region, we undertook this study to characterize care-seeking behaviors and health service utilization for child refugees with the aim of informing humanitarian programming for non-camp settings in Jordan.

Methods: A survey of Syrian refugees living outside of camps in Jordan was conducted using a 125 × 12 cluster design with probability proportional to size sampling to obtain a representative sample. The questionnaire focused on access to health services, including a module on care seeking for children.

Results: Care seeking was high with 90.9% of households with a child less than 18 years seeking medical care the last time it was needed. Households most often sought care for children in the public sector (54.6%), followed by private (36.5%) and charity sectors (8.9%). Among child care seekers, 88.6% were prescribed medication during the most recent visit, 90.6% of which obtained the medication. Overall, 49.4% of households reported out-of-pocket expenditures for either the consultation or prescribed medications at the most recent visit (mean $US21.1 and median $US0).

Conclusions: Syrian refugees had good access to care for their sick children at the time of the survey; however, this has likely deteriorated since the survey because of the withdrawal of free access for refugees. The number of refugees in Jordan and relative accessibility of care has resulted in a large burden on the health system; the Jordanian government will require additional support if current levels of health access are to be maintained for Syrian refugees.

Emily Lyles

Stigma Among Survivors of Sexual Violence in Congo: Scale Development and Psychometrics Stigma Among Survivors of Sexual Violence in Congo: Scale Development and Psychometrics

Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Publication Type

Stigma related to sexual violence (SV) is associated with many negative physical and social outcomes. We sought to create a contextually relevant measure of SV-related stigma for women in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and assess itspsychometrics and validity. Using baseline screening data from two randomized controlled trials of services for female SV survivors in Eastern DRC ( n = 1,184), we conducted exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses to test the measurement model. Cronbach's alphas and Kuder-Richardson 20 (KR-20) statistics were used to evaluate internal consistency. Logistic and linear regressions of the stigma measures with related constructs were used to assess construct validity. Two distinct but related scales were developed based on factor analyses: a four-item scale of discrimination-related stigma (i.e., enacted stigma) and an eight-item scale of combined perceived and internalized stigma (i.e., felt stigma). Both scales showed good internal consistency (KR-20 = .68; α = .86). A higher felt stigma score was associated with significant increases in combined depression and anxiety and trauma symptoms, as well as functional impairment ( p < .001). Having a child as a result of SV was associated with both significantly higher enacted and felt stigma ( p < .001). Neither SV stigma scale was associated with medical care seeking. To address harmful ramifications of stigma among SV survivors, locally relevant quantitative measures are necessary to understand the nature and severity of stigma they experience. Our process of scale creation and evaluation can serve as an example for developing locally relevant SV-related stigma measures.

Improving maternal, newborn and women’s reproductive health in crisis settings

Cochrane Library
Publication Type

The objectives are as follows: To identify, synthesise and evaluate the effects of health system and other interventions aimed at improving maternal, newborn and women's reproductive health in crisis settings.

Worldwide, humanitarian crises impact significantly on public health, health infrastructure and the delivery of health care (WHO 2012). A humanitarian crisis can be understood as '...a situation in which there is an exceptional and generalized threat to human life, health or subsistence. These crises usually appear within the context of an existing situation of a lack of protection where a series of pre‐existent factors (poverty, inequality, lack of access to basic services) exacerbated by a natural disaster or armed conflict, multiply the destructive effects' (Francesch 2010). Humanitarian crises are generally grouped into the following three categories: 

  • natural disasters (e.g. earthquakes, floods, storms and volcanic eruptions);
  • man‐made disasters (e.g. conflicts, plane and train crashes, fires and industrial accidents); and 
  • complex emergencies (Humanitarian Coalition)

Exploring Psychological Distress in Burundi During and After the Armed Conflict

Community Mental Health Journal
Publication Type

We assessed symptoms of psychological distress among a population-based sample of 9000-plus adults in Burundi during (1998) and after (2007) armed conflict. After exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to an 8-item, self-report measure, we identified two domains of psychological distress “Depression/Anxiety” and “Functioning” with good fit to data. The questionnaire was invariant in males and females. Depression and Anxiety symptoms during conflict were more frequently reported than Functioning symptoms; all symptoms were more frequently reported by women. Psychological distress was found in 44 % of individuals during conflict and in 29 % 2 years after the conflict. Results call for further research in Burundi that can inform the development of mental health interventions.


Expanding the Scope of Humanitarian Program Evaluation

Publication Type

The effectiveness of humanitarian programs normally is evaluated according to a limited number of pre-defined objectives. These objectives typically rep- resent only selected positive expected impacts of program interventions and as such, are inadequate benchmarks for understanding the overall effective- ness of aid. This is because programs also have unexpected impacts (both pos- itive and negative) as well as expected negative impacts and expected positive impacts beyond the program objectives. The authors contend that these other categories of program impacts also should be assessed, and suggest a method- ology for doing so that draws on input from the perspectives of beneficiaries. This paper includes examples of the use of this methodology in the field. Finally, the authors suggest future directions for improving this type of expanded assessment and advocate for its widespread use, both within and without the field of disaster response.