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Doing better for women and children in armed conflict settings

The Lancet
Publication Type

A 2017 Lancet Health in Humanitarian Crises Series paper declared that the international “humanitarian system is not just broke, but broken” 
and called for action to prioritise protection; integrate affected and displaced people into national health systems; scale up efficient, effective, and sustainable interventions in humanitarian settings; and renew global leadership and coordination. There has been insufficient progress since then. WHO has understandably focused on managing large-scale infectious disease outbreaks, such as Ebola virus disease, Zika virus disease, and COVID-19, and health needs in conflict settings have largely taken a back seat.


Delivering health interventions to women, children, and adolescents in conflict settings: what have we learned from ten country case studies?

The Lancet
Publication Type

Armed conflict disproportionately affects the morbidity, mortality, and wellbeing of women, newborns, children, and adolescents. Our study presents insights from a collection of ten country case studies aiming to assess the provision of sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health and nutrition interventions in ten conflict-affected settings in Afghanistan, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. We found that despite large variations in contexts and decision making processes, antenatal care, basic emergency obstetric and newborn care, comprehensive emergency obstetric and newborn care, immunisation, treatment of common childhood illnesses, infant and young child feeding, and malnutrition treatment and screening were prioritised in these ten conflict settings. Many lifesaving women's and children's health (WCH) services, including the majority of reproductive, newborn, and adolescent health services, are not reported as being delivered in the ten conflict settings, and interventions to address stillbirths are absent. International donors remain the primary drivers of influencing the what, where, and how of implementing WCH interventions. Interpretation of WCH outcomes in conflict settings are particularly context-dependent given the myriad of complex factors that constitute conflict and their interactions. Moreover, the comprehensiveness and quality of data remain limited in conflict settings. The dynamic nature of modern conflict and the expanding role of non-state armed groups in large geographic areas pose new challenges to delivering WCH services. However, the humanitarian system is creative and pluralistic and has developed some novel solutions to bring lifesaving WCH services closer to populations using new modes of delivery. These solutions, when rigorously evaluated, can represent concrete response to current implementation challenges to modern armed conflicts.

The political and security dimensions of the humanitarian health response to violent conflict

The Lancet
Publication Type

The nature of armed conflict throughout the world is intensely dynamic. Consequently, the protection of non-combatants and the provision of humanitarian services must continually adapt to this changing conflict environment. Complex political affiliations, the systematic use of explosive weapons and sexual violence, and the use of new communication technology, including social media, have created new challenges for humanitarian actors in negotiating access to affected populations and security for their own personnel. The nature of combatants has also evolved as armed, non-state actors might have varying motivations, use different forms of violence, and engage in a variety of criminal activities to generate requisite funds. New health threats, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and new capabilities, such as modern trauma care, have also created new challenges and opportunities for humanitarian health provision. In response, humanitarian policies and practices must develop negotiation and safety capabilities, informed by political and security realities on the ground, and guidance from affected communities. More fundamentally, humanitarian policies will need to confront a changing geopolitical environment, in which traditional humanitarian norms and protections might encounter wavering support in the years to come.


The effects of armed conflict on the health of women and children

The Lancet
Publication Type

Women and children bear substantial morbidity and mortality as a result of armed conflicts. This Series paper focuses on the direct (due to violence) and indirect health effects of armed conflict on women and children (including adolescents) worldwide. We estimate that nearly 36 million children and 16 million women were displaced in 2017, on the basis of international databases of refugees and internally displaced populations. From geospatial analyses we estimate that the number of non-displaced women and children living dangerously close to armed conflict (within 50 km) increased from 185 million women and 250 million children in 2000, to 265 million women and 368 million children in 2017. Women's and children's mortality risk from non-violent causes increases substantially in response to nearby conflict, with more intense and more chronic conflicts leading to greater mortality increases. More than 10 million deaths in children younger than 5 years can be attributed to conflict between 1995 and 2015 globally. Women of reproductive ages living near high intensity conflicts have three times higher mortality than do women in peaceful settings. Current research provides fragmentary evidence about how armed conflict indirectly affects the survival chances of women and children through malnutrition, physical injuries, infectious diseases, poor mental health, and poor sexual and reproductive health, but major systematic evidence is sparse, hampering the design and implementation of essential interventions for mitigating the harms of armed conflicts.

Travel time, availability of emergency obstetric care, and perceived quality of care and perceived quality of care associated with maternal healthcare utilisation in Afghanistan: A multilevel analysis

Global Public Health
Publication Type


Limited understanding of factors such as travel time, availability of emergency obstetric care (EmOC), and satisfaction/perceived quality of care on the utilisation of maternal health services exists in fragile and conflict-affect settings. We examined these key factors on three utilisation outcomes: at least one skilled antenatal care (ANC) visit, in-facility delivery, and bypassing the nearest public facility for childbirth in Afghanistan from 2010 to 2015. We used three-level multilevel mixed effects logistic regression models to assess the relationships between women’s and their nearest public facilities’ characteristics and outcomes. The nearest facility score for satisfaction/perceived quality was associated with having at least one skilled ANC visit (AOR: 2.02, 95% CI: 1.21, 3.36). Women whose nearest facility provided EmOC had a higher odds of in-facility childbirth compared to women whose nearest facility did not (AOR: 1.24, 95% CI: 1.04, 1.48). Nearest hospital travel time (AOR: 0.95, 95% CI: 0.93, 0.98) and nearest facility satisfaction/perceived quality (AOR: 0.34, 95% CI: 0.14, 0.82) were associated with lower odds of women bypassing their nearest facility. Afghanistan has made progress in expanding access to maternal healthcare services during the ongoing conflict. Addressing key barriers is essential to ensure that women have access to life-saving services.


An analytic perspective of a mixed methods study during humanitarian crises in South Sudan: translating facility- and community-based newborn guidelines into practice

Conflict and Health
Publication Type

In South Sudan, the civil war in 2016 led to mass displacement in Juba that rapidly spread to other regions of the country. Access to health care was limited because of attacks against health facilities and workers and pregnant women and newborns were among the most vulnerable. Translation of newborn guidelines into public health practice, particularly during periods of on-going violence, are not well studied during humanitarian emergencies. During 2016 to 2017, we assessed the delivery of a package of community- and facility-based newborn health interventions in displaced person camps to understand implementation outcomes. This case analysis describes the challenges encountered and mitigating strategies employed during the conduct of an original research study.

COVID-19 in humanitarian settings: documenting and sharing context-specific programmatic experiences

Conflict and Health
Publication Type

Humanitarian organizations have developed innovative and context specific interventions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic as guidance has been normative in nature and most are not humanitarian specific. In April 2020, three universities developed a COVID-19 humanitarian-specific website ( to allow humanitarians from the field to upload their experiences or be interviewed by academics to share their creative responses adapted to their specific country challenges in a standardised manner. These field experiences are reviewed by the three universities together with various guidance documents and uploaded to the website using an operational framework. The website currently hosts 135 guidance documents developed by 65 different organizations, and 65 field experiences shared by 29 organizations from 27 countries covering 38 thematic areas. Examples of challenges and innovative solutions from humanitarian settings are provided for triage and sexual and gender-based violence. Offering open access resources on a neutral platform by academics can provide a space for constructive dialogue among humanitarians at the country, regional and global levels, allowing humanitarian actors at the country level to have a strong and central voice. We believe that this neutral and openly accessible platform can serve as an example for future large-scale emergencies and epidemics.

National and subnational estimates of coverage and travel time to emergency obstetric care in Afghanistan: Modeling of spatial accessibility

Health & Place
Publication Type


In Afghanistan, the risk of maternal death is among the highest in the world, with wide variation across the country. One explanation may be wide geographic disparities in access and use of maternal health care services. This study describes the spatial distribution of public facilities providing maternal health care in Afghanistan, specifically emergency obstetric care (EmOC), and the differences in travel time estimates using different transportation modes from 2010 to 2015 at the national and subnational levels. We conducted mapping and spatial analyses to measure the proportion of pregnant women able to access any EmOC health facility within 2 h by foot, animal, motor vehicle and a combination of transport modes. In 2015, adequate coverage of active public health facilities within 2 h of travel time was 36.6% by foot and 71.2% by a combination of transport modes. We found an 8.3% and 63.2% increase in access to EmOC facilities within 2 h of travel time by a combination of transport modes and by foot only, respectively, by 2015. Access to a combination of transportation options such as motor vehicles and animals may benefit pregnant women in reaching health facilities efficiently. Afghanistan made impressive gains in maternal healthcare access; despite these improvements, large disparities remain in geographic access by province and overall access to facilities is still poor.


From Icebox to Tinderbox — A View from the Southern Border

The New England Journal of Medicine
Publication Type

Dozens of asylum seekers used to arrive at Puerto Fronterizo El Chaparral in Tijuana at the break of dawn each day, where they would be corralled within makeshift metal barriers. Children lay sprawled on the concrete, heads nestled in parents’ laps after the disorienting trip from the crowded migrant shelters. A handful of those present were there for the first time, hoping to register for a number, scribbled on a tiny piece of paper by volunteer organizers. With more than 10,000 names ahead of them on the list, these new arrivals could expect to wait 6 months or more before they’d have to return to the plaza to see if their number would be called.

Health service utilization and adherence to medication for hypertension and diabetes among Syrian refugees and affected host communities in Lebanon

Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders
Publication Type


This study uses data from a 2015 household survey of Syrian refugees and Lebanese host communities. A total of 1,376 refugee and 686 host community households were surveyed using a cluster design with probability proportional to size sampling. Differences in outcomes of interest by population group were examined using Pearson’s chi-square and t-test methods and the crude and adjusted odds of care-seeking and interrupted medication adherence among Syrian refugees were estimated using logistic regression.


Findings identified significant gaps between refugees and host community members in care-seeking, health facility utilization, out-of-pocket payments for care, and medication interruption. While host community members had better access to care and fewer reports of medication interruption compared to refugees, out-of-pocket spending for the most recent care visit was significantly higher among host community care-seekers. Refugee care-seekers most frequently received care at primary health facilities, choosing to do so mainly for reasons related to cost, whereas host community care-seekers predominantly utilized private clinics with greater concern for quality and continuity of care.


Further efforts are needed to facilitate lower and more predictable health service costs for refugees and vulnerable host community members, as is continued communication on available subsidized care.


Global mid-upper arm circumference cut-offs for adults: a call to action

Public Health Nutrition
Publication Type

Since 2009, mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) has become an accepted measure for screening children for acute malnutrition and determining eligibility for services to manage acute malnutrition. Use of MUAC has increased the reach and enhanced the quality of community-based management of acute malnutrition services. Increasingly, MUAC is also used to assess nutritional status and eligibility for nutrition support among adolescents and adults, including pregnant and lactating women and HIV and TB clients. However, globally recognised cut-offs have not been established to classify malnutrition among adults using MUAC. Therefore, different countries and programmes use different MUAC cut-offs to determine eligibility for programme services. Patient monitoring guidelines provided by WHO for country adaptation to support the integrated management of adult illness do not include MUAC, in part because guidance does not exist about what MUAC cut-off should trigger further action.

Venezuelan migrants in Colombia: COVID-19 and mental health

The Lancet Psychiatry
Publication Type

Venezuelan migrants in Colombia are experiencing psychological stressors stemming from political turmoil, poverty, displacement, exploitation, and the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 5 million people have departed Venezuela since 2015. The largest subgroup, more than 1·8 million individuals, continues to move into Colombia, often trekking on foot and dispersing nationwide. Two million pendular migrants cross into Colombia cyclically, seeking food, clothing, medicines, health care, and education. The mental health of Venezuelan migrants is compounded by the extreme hardships inside Venezuela, the resulting exodus, and the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Exposure to trauma, loss, and life-changing events throughout all phases of migration increases the risk of developing psychiatric disorders. We discuss these risks while describing the migration journey.

COVID-19 control in low-income settings and displaced populations: what can realistically be done?

Conflict and Health
Publication Type

COVID-19 prevention strategies in resource limited settings, modelled on the earlier response in high income countries, have thus far focused on draconian containment strategies, which impose movement restrictions on a wide scale. These restrictions are unlikely to prevent cases from surging well beyond existing hospitalisation capacity; not withstanding their likely severe social and economic costs in the long term.

We suggest that in low-income countries, time limited movement restrictions should be considered primarily as an opportunity to develop sustainable and resource appropriate mitigation strategies. These mitigation strategies, if focused on reducing COVID-19 transmission through a triad of prevention activities, have the potential to mitigate bed demand and mortality by a considerable extent. This triade is based on a combination of high-uptake of community led shielding of high-risk individuals, self-isolation of mild to moderately symptomatic cases, and moderate physical distancing in the community.

We outline a set of principles for communities to consider how to support the protection of the most vulnerable, by shielding them from infection within and outside their homes. We further suggest three potential shielding options, with their likely applicability to different settings, for communities to consider and that would enable them to provide access to transmission-shielded arrangements for the highest risk community members. Importantly, any shielding strategy would need to be predicated on sound, locally informed behavioural science and monitored for effectiveness and evaluating its potential under realistic modelling assumptions. Perhaps, most importantly, it is essential that these strategies not be perceived as oppressive measures and be community led in their design and implementation. This is in order that they can be sustained for an extended period of time, until COVID-19 can be controlled or vaccine and treatment options become available.


Mistakes from the HIV pandemic should inform the COVID-19 response for maternal and newborn care

International Breastfeeding Journal
Publication Type


In an effort to prevent infants being infected with SARS-CoV-2, some governments, professional organisations, and health facilities are instituting policies that isolate newborns from their mothers and otherwise prevent or impede breastfeeding.

Weighing of risks is necessary in policy development

Such policies are risky as was shown in the early response to the HIV pandemic where efforts to prevent mother to child transmission by replacing breastfeeding with infant formula feeding ultimately resulted in more infant deaths. In the COVID-19 pandemic, the risk of maternal SARS-CoV-2 transmission needs to be weighed against the protection skin-to-skin contact, maternal proximity, and breastfeeding affords infants.

The potential impact of COVID-19 in refugee camps in Bangladesh and beyond: A modeling study

PLOS Medicine
Publication Type


COVID-19 could have even more dire consequences in refugee camps than in general populations. Bangladesh has confirmed COVID-19 cases and hosts almost 1 million Rohingya refugees from Myanmar, with 600,000 concentrated in the Kutupalong-Balukhali Expansion Site (mean age, 21 years; standard deviation [SD], 18 years; 52% female). Projections of the potential COVID-19 burden, epidemic speed, and healthcare needs in such settings are critical for preparedness planning.

Methods and findings

To explore the potential impact of the introduction of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in the Kutupalong-Balukhali Expansion Site, we used a stochastic Susceptible Exposed Infectious Recovered (SEIR) transmission model with parameters derived from emerging literature and age as the primary determinant of infection severity. We considered three scenarios with different assumptions about the transmission potential of SARS-CoV-2. From the simulated infections, we estimated hospitalizations, deaths, and healthcare needs to be expected, age-adjusted for the Kutupalong-Balukhali Expansion Site age distribution. Our findings suggest that a large-scale outbreak is likely after a single introduction of the virus into the camp, with 61%–92% of simulations leading to at least 1,000 people infected across scenarios. On average, in the first 30 days of the outbreak, we expect 18 (95% prediction interval [PI], 2–65), 54 (95% PI, 3–223), and 370 (95% PI, 4–1,850) people infected in the low, moderate, and high transmission scenarios, respectively. These reach 421,500 (95% PI, 376,300–463,500), 546,800 (95% PI, 499,300–567,000), and 589,800 (95% PI, 578,800–595,600) people infected in 12 months, respectively. Hospitalization needs exceeded the existing hospitalization capacity of 340 beds after 55–136 days, between the low and high transmission scenarios. We estimate 2,040 (95% PI, 1,660–2,500), 2,650 (95% PI, 2,030–3,380), and 2,880 (95% PI, 2,090–3,830) deaths in the low, moderate, and high transmission scenarios, respectively. Due to limited data at the time of analyses, we assumed that age was the primary determinant of infection severity and hospitalization. We expect that comorbidities, limited hospitalization, and intensive care capacity may increase this risk; thus, we may be underestimating the potential burden.

Quality of care in prevention, detection and management of postpartum hemorrhage in hospitals in Afghanistan: an observational assessment

BMC Health Services Research
Publication Type



Hemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal mortality worldwide and accounts for 56% of maternal deaths in Afghanistan. Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is commonly caused by uterine atony, genital tract trauma, retained placenta, and coagulation disorders. The purpose of this study is to examine the quality of prevention, detection and management of PPH in both public and private hospitals in Afghanistan in 2016, and compare the quality of care in district hospitals with care in provincial, regional, and specialty hospitals.


This study uses a subset of data from the 2016 Afghanistan National Maternal and Newborn Health Quality of Care Assessment. It covers a census of all accessible public hospitals, including 40 district hospitals, 27 provincial hospitals, five regional hospitals, and five specialty hospitals, as well as 10 purposively selected private hospitals.


All public and private hospitals reported 24 h/7 days a week service provision. Oxytocin was available in 90.0% of district hospitals, 89.2% of provincial, regional and specialty hospitals and all 10 private hospitals; misoprostol was available in 52.5% of district hospitals, 56.8% of provincial, regional and specialty hospitals and in all 10 private hospitals. For prevention of PPH, 73.3% women in district hospitals, 71.2% women at provincial, regional and specialty hospitals and 72.7% women at private hospital received uterotonics. Placenta and membranes were checked for completeness in almost half of women in all hospitals. Manual removal of placenta was performed in 97.8% women with retained placenta. Monitoring blood loss during the immediate postpartum period was performed in 48.4% of women in district hospitals, 36.9% of women in provincial, regional and specialty hospitals, and 43.3% in private hospitals. The most commonly observed cause of PPH was retained placenta followed by genital tract trauma and uterine atony.


Gaps in performance of skilled birth attendants are substantial across public and private hospitals. Improving and retaining skills of health workers through on-site, continuous capacity development approaches and encouraging a culture of audit, learning and quality improvement may address clinical gaps and improve quality of PPH prevention, detection and management.


Health services for women, children and adolescents in conflict affected settings: experience from North and South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo

Conflict and Health
Publication Type


Insecurity has characterized the Eastern regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo for decades. Providing health services to sustain women’s and children’s health during protracted conflict is challenging. This mixed-methods case study aimed to describe how reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) services have been offered in North and South Kivu since 2000 and how successful they were.


We conducted a case study using a desk review of publicly available literature, secondary analysis of survey and health information system data, and primary qualitative interviews. The qualitative component provides insights on factors shaping RMNCAH+N design and implementation. We conducted 49 interviews with government officials, humanitarian agency staff and facility-based healthcare providers, and focus group discussions with community health workers in four health zones (Minova, Walungu, Ruanguba, Mweso). We applied framework analysis to investigate key themes across informants. The quantitative component used secondary data from nationwide surveys and the national health facility information system to estimate coverage of RMNCAH+N interventions at provincial and sub-provincial level. The association between insecurity on service provision was examined with random effects generalized least square models using health facility data from South Kivu.


Coverage of selected preventive RMNCAH+N interventions seems high in North and South Kivu, often higher than the national level. Health facility data show a small negative association of insecurity and preventive service coverage within provinces. However, health outcomes are poorer in conflict-affected territories than in stable ones. The main challenges to service provisions identified by study respondents are the availability and retention of skilled personnel, the lack of basic materials and equipment as well as the insufficient financial resources to ensure health workers’ regular payment, medicaments’ availability and facilities’ running costs. Insecurity exacerbates pre-existing challenges, but do not seem to represent the main barrier to service provision in North and South Kivu.


Provision of preventive schedulable RMNCAH+N services has continued during intermittent conflict in North and South Kivu. The prolonged effort by non-governmental organizations and UN agencies to respond to humanitarian needs was likely key in maintaining intervention coverage despite conflict. Health actors and communities appear to have adapted to changing levels and nature of insecurity and developed strategies to ensure preventive services are provided and accessed. However, emergency non-schedulable RMNCAH+N interventions do not appear to be readily accessible. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals will require increased access to life-saving interventions, especially for newborn and pregnant women.

Investigating the delivery of health and nutrition interventions for women and children in conflict settings: a collection of case studies from the BRANCH Consortium

Conflict and Health
Publication Type

Globally, the number of people affected by conflict is the highest in history, and continues to steadily increase. There is currently a pressing need to better understand how to deliver critical health interventions to women and children affected by conflict. The compendium of articles presented in this Conflict and Health Collection brings together a range of case studies recently undertaken by the BRANCH Consortium (Bridging Research & Action in Conflict Settings for the Health of Women and Children). These case studies describe how humanitarian actors navigate and negotiate the multiple obstacles and forces that challenge the delivery of health and nutrition interventions for women, children and adolescents in conflict-affected settings, and to ultimately provide some insight into how service delivery can be improved

Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health service delivery during conflict in Yemen: a case study

Conflict and Health
Publication Type



Armed conflict, food insecurity, epidemic cholera, economic decline and deterioration of essential public services present overwhelming challenges to population health and well-being in Yemen. Although the majority of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance and civil servants in many areas have not received salaries since 2016, many healthcare providers continue to work, and families continue to need and seek care.


This case study examines how reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) services have been delivered since 2015, and identifies factors influencing implementation of these services in three governorates of Yemen. Content analysis methods were used to analyze publicly available documents and datasets published since 2000 as well as 94 semi-structured individual and group interviews conducted with government officials, humanitarian agency staff and facility-based healthcare providers and six focus group discussions conducted with community health midwives and volunteers in September–October 2018.


Humanitarian response efforts focus on maintaining basic services at functioning facilities, and deploying mobile clinics, outreach teams and community health volunteer networks to address urgent needs where access is possible. Attention to specific aspects of RMNCAH+N varies slightly by location, with differences driven by priorities of government authorities, levels of violence, humanitarian access and availability of qualified human resources. Health services for women and children are generally considered to be a priority; however, cholera control and treatment of acute malnutrition are given precedence over other services along the continuum of care. Although health workers display notable resilience working in difficult conditions, challenges resulting from insecurity, limited functionality of health facilities, and challenges in importation and distribution of supplies limit the availability and quality of services.


Challenges to providing quality RMNCAH+N services in Yemen are formidable, given the nature and scale of humanitarian needs, lack of access due to insecurity, politicization of aid, weak health system capacity, costs of care seeking, and an ongoing cholera epidemic. Greater attention to availability, quality and coordination of RMNCAH services, coupled with investments in health workforce development and supply management are needed to maintain access to life-saving services and mitigate longer term impacts on maternal and child health and development. Lessons learned from Yemen on how to address ongoing primary health care needs during massive epidemics in conflict settings, particularly for women and children, will be important to support other countries faced with similar crises in the future.

Maternal and child health service delivery in conflict-affected settings: a case study example from Upper Nile and Unity states, South Sudan

Conflict and Health
Publication Type


Decades of war left the Republic of South Sudan with a fragile health system that has remained deprived of resources since the country’s independence. We describe the coverage of interventions for women’s and children’s health in Upper Nile and Unity states, and explore factors that affected service provision during a protracted conflict.


We conducted a case study using a desk review of publicly available literature since 2013 and a secondary analysis of intervention coverage and conflict-related events from 2010 to 2017. During June through September 2018, we conducted 26 qualitative interviews with technical leads and 9 focus groups among health workers working in women and children’s health in Juba, Malakal, and Bentiu.


Coverage for antenatal care, institutional delivery, and childhood vaccines were low prior to the escalation of conflict in 2013, and the limited data indicate that coverage remained low through 2017. Key factors that determined the delivery of services for women and children in our study sites were government leadership, coordination of development and humanitarian efforts, and human resource capacity. Participants felt that national and local health officials had a limited role in the delivery of services, and financial tracking data showed that funding stagnated or declined for humanitarian health and development programming during 2013–2014. Although health services were concentrated in camp settings, the availability of healthcare providers was negatively impacted by the protracted nature of the conflict and insecurity in the region.


Health care for women and children should be prioritized during acute and protracted periods of conflict by strengthening surveillance systems, coordinating short and long term activities among humanitarian and development organizations, and building the capacity of national and local government officials to ensure sustainability.