Outbreak READY 2!: Thisland in Crisis
A Digital Readiness and Response Simulation
Welcome to Outbreak READY 2!: Thisland in Crisis
Outbreak READY 2!: Thisland in Crisis is a digital training tool for humanitarian health professionals. You can play the Outbreak READY 2! simulation and view the pre-reading background documents by clicking on the buttons below. We recommend reading the background documents and reviewing the accompanying resources below in advance of play.
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Outbreak READY 2! Overview
What is the Outbreak READY 2! simulation?
Outbreak READY 2!: Thisland in Crisis is an online digital simulation designed for humanitarian health practitioners. In Outbreak READY 2!: Thisland in Crisis, you take the role of a Health Program Manager leading the health response for a medium-sized, international NGO named READY. The NGO operates in Thisland, a fictitious, low-income country that has experienced recent civil conflict, mass displacement, and an influenza epidemic. The simulation is divided into three chapters that follow an evolving outbreak from the first detection to its spread throughout the population. As Health Program Manager, you will identify, assess, and interpret sources of data to plan and implement an integrated outbreak response that prioritizes communication and community engagement, protection principles, and staff safety and well-being.
Outbreak READY 2!: Thisland in Crisis builds upon but is independent from Outbreak READY!, READY’s first digital outbreak simulation, in which the learner takes the role of a Team Lead during the aforementioned influenza epidemic. While Outbreak READY 2!: Thisland in Crisis takes place after the events of Outbreak READY!, it is not necessary to play Outbreak READY! before playing Outbreak READY 2!: Thisland in Crisis.
Who is the Outbreak READY 2! simulation for?
The simulation is designed for national and international NGOs responding to humanitarian emergencies, particularly targeting NGO health staff, including health program managers and coordinators, RCCE focal points, and community health workers.
What is the purpose of the Outbreak READY 2! simulation?
Outbreak READY 2!: Thisland in Crisis provides learners an opportunity to test and apply the following skills:
- Applied epidemiology for clinical and public health response: Implementing and coordinating a data-driven health response to an evolving infectious disease outbreak.
- Effective communication and community engagement: Developing and implementing a Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) strategy using a data-driven approach.
- Humanitarian Leadership: Minimizing risks and vulnerabilities to crisis-affected people, staff, and partners throughout an outbreak response.
As Health Program Manager, you must decide how READY will adapt and expand its clinical and community health program in response to an evolving outbreak.
Throughout the simulation...
- Receive and respond to important emails and files about the outbreak
- Visit locations on the map to speak with clinic staff, partner organizations, and community members
- Review epidemiological, clinical, and RCCE data in the Data Dashboard
- Consult with colleagues in your office
- Receive phone messages from colleagues and other NGO Health Program Managers
- Hear informal office chatter at the Tea Corner
- Make important programmatic decisions

Outbreak READY 2! Fact Sheet

Outbreak READY 2! Launch Webinar

Outbreak READY 2! Awards
In December 2023, Outbreak READY 2 ! : Thisland in Crisis won a Bronze EdTech Excellence Award from the Brandon Hall Group, which recognized innovative and cutting-edge trailblazers in education technology.
In June 2024, Outbreak READY 2 ! was nominated for Best in Learning at the 2024 Games for Change.
Pre-Reading Material: Background Documents
We recommend reviewing the background documents before starting the simulation. These documents provide important background on the fictional country and organization you will be working for in the simulation. You will be able to read the documents during the simulation, but you will have limited time to do so and your performance may be impacted.

Solo-Play Simulation Guide
Before you begin Outbreak READY 2! as a solo player, we recommend downloading the Solo-Play Simulation Guide which provides learners with opportunities to reflect on key decisions made and lessons learned throughout the simulation.

Facilitation Manual for Group Events
To play Outbreak READY 2! as a facilitated group experience, use this manual.
I am unable to open the simulation. What can I do?
We are sorry to hear that you are having trouble opening the simulation. Please check the following:
- Do you have the right URL? Make sure you are using www.outbreakready.com.
- For optimal use of the simulation, use Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Safari. Please ensure your browser version is up-to-date.
- If you have done the above and it is still not working, try opening the simulation in an “incognito” or “private” window. This is done differently depending on your computer type and browser, but a simple internet search (e.g., “how to open incognito window in Firefox”) can quickly provide instructions on how to do this.
What type of device should I use to play the simulation?
The simulation is meant to be played using a laptop, desktop, or large tablet. The interface does not support playing on smaller mobile devices.
Is an internet connection required to play?
We recommend playing the simulation with an internet connection. However, after the initial loading of the simulation (after the introductory video), you should be able to play the entire simulation without an internet connection.
If I lose internet connection while playing the simulation, will my progress be saved?
Yes, progress is saved throughout play. If you lose internet connection or choose to exit the browser window during a session, your progress will be saved up to your last completed turn.
Is my internet connection sufficient to run the simulation for an individual or group?
The simulation was specifically created for use in low-bandwidth settings. Below are details on the recommended minimum bandwidth for optimal use of the game. Note that the simulation loads at the start of each chapter, so once that chapter is loaded, the simulation is no longer using the internet.
- The simulation takes approximately 1 minute to load on 10mbps (megabits per second). It takes approximately 5 minutes to load on 2mbps.
- The minimum bandwidth required to stream the videos is 1.7mbps.
You can check your connection speed at https://www.speedtest.net/.
My question is not listed here; what should I do?
Are you still encountering issues? Please contact us at outbreakreadysim@savechildren.org, so we can assist you.
The Outbreak READY 2!: Thisland in Crisis digital simulation was developed by the READY initiative. We would like to thank the Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health for its leadership, and all READY consortium partners and serious game consultant Rex Brynen for their time, input, and efforts throughout all stages of development. In addition, we would like to thank all the humanitarians from agencies and locations around the world who took the time to play each version and provide critical feedback to strengthen both the design and the content of Outbreak READY 2!: Thisland in Crisis. Outbreak READY 2!: Thisland in Crisis was created in collaboration with the game development studio &RANJ. The simulation would not be possible without their team’s innovative design and creative contributions.

The simulations were made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of READY and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. Led by Save the Children, the READY initiative is implemented in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health, the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, UK-Med, and the Humanitarian Leadership Academy. READY is augmenting global capacity for non-governmental organizations to respond to large-scale infectious disease outbreaks.