Center Reports
Maternal and perinatal death surveillance and response: global report on decade of implementation
In the Line of Fire: Protecting Health in Armed Conflict
The Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus: A Cross-Country Case Study Brief on Mali and South Sudan
A Case Study from Mali: The Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus (HDPN) and Applications To Family Planning, Reproductive Health, and Maternal Newborn and Child Health Interventions (FP/RH/MNCH) In Fragile Settings
Crisis in Gaza: Projected Deaths due to Traumatic Injuries in the Rafah Governorate
Critical Condition: Violence Against Health Care in Conflict 2023
Case Study in South Sudan: The Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus (HDPN) and Applications to Family Planning, Reproductive Health, and Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Interventions in Fragile Settings: A Case Study from South Sudan
Fit for purpose? Global Coordination Mechanisms of Large-Scale Epidemic Response in Humanitarian Settings
IGNORING RED LINES: Violence Against Health Care in Conflict 2022
FAQs for Nutritional Care for Patients with Ebola Virus Disease in Ebola Treatment Units
Cash to Increase Facility-Based Deliveries in the Philippines
JHU Authors: Nancy Glass, Emily Lyles, Kayla Pfeiffer-Mundt, Laura Mata Lopez, Shannon Doocy
COVID-19 in Humanitarian and Fragile Contexts: disease surveillance, program monitoring, social interaction, and policy analysis during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic
Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
JHU Authors: Chiara Altare, Natalya Kostandova, Lindsay Salem, Hannah Crockett, Madison Bates, Sharon Leslie, Paul Spiegel
COVID-19 in Humanitarian and Fragile Contexts: Disease Surveillance, program monitoring, social interactions, and policy analysis during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic
Central African Republic
JHU Authors: Chiara Altare, Natalya Kostandova, Marissa Smith, Paul Spiegel
Cash within GBV case management for women and adolescent girls in Colombia
Full Report Full Report (Espanol)
Biobehavioral Survey of HIV, Syphilis, and Health Status Among Venezuelans Living in Colombia
Full Report in English Reportaje Completo en Español
Slipping Away? A Review of Humanitarian Capabilities in Cholera Response
COVID-19 in Humanitarian and Fragile Contexts:
Disease surveillance, program monitoring, social interaction, and policy analysis during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic Democratic Republic of the Congo
JHU Authors: Chiara Altare,Natalya Kostandova, Leah Richardson, Hannah Crockett, Marissa Smith, Natalia Hernandez Morfin, Paul Spiegel,
Infectious Disease Outbreak Response Coordination:
An Introductory Guide for Non-Governmental Organizations
Case Studies from Mexico, Colombia, Peru
JHU Contributors: Paul B Spiegel, David Tellez, Dana McLaughlin, Jordan Savold, Rachel Gittinger, Cyndy Vasquez
Expanding the Evidence Base on Cash, Protection, GBV and Health in Humanitarian Settings: Jordan
Case Studies on Newborn Health Policy, Strategy and Action Plan Implementation in Humanitarian and Fragile Settings
Authors: Rabia Jalazai, Nancy Glass, and Leonard Rubenstein
Unrelenting Violence: Violence Against Health Care in Conflict 2021
elrha: An evidence review of research on health interventions in humanitarian crises 2021 Update
Landscape Analysis: The Humanitarian-Development Nexus: A Framework for MNCH/FP/RH
World report on the health of refugees and migrants: summary
Expanding the Evidence Base on Cash, Protection, GBV and Health in Humanitarian Settings Findings from Northwest Syria: A Comparison of Individual Protection Assistance and Dignity Kits
A Framework for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health, Voluntary Family Planning, and Reproductive Health
The Inclusion of Undocumented Immigrants in U.S. State COVID-19 Vaccine Plans, May 2021
Retrospective Case Studies On Case Area
Targeted Interventions For Cholera Epidemics
Authors: Paul B. Spiegel, Mustafa Sikder, Chiara Altare, Shannon Doocy, Daniella Trowbridge,Andrew Azman, Daniele S Lantagne
A practitioner’s guide to the ethical conduct of research on child marriage in humanitarian settings
Venezuela: Abusive Treatment of Returnees
Poor Quarantine Conditions May Spread Covid-19
Safeguarding Health In Conflict: Health Workers at Risk: Violence Against Health Care
COVID-19: Projecting the impact in Rohingya refugee camps and beyond
Authors: Shaun Truelove, Orit Abrahim, Chiara Altare, Andrew S. Azman, Paul B. Spiegel
Lost Generation:The Health and Human Rights of North Korean Children, 1990–2018
Author: W. Courtland Robinson, Jiho Cha, Soim Park, Casey Branchini, Daeseong Kim, Seung Yun Kim, Taeyoung Kim
Ethical Decision-Making in Humanitarian Health in Situations of Extreme Violence
Trainings for Infectious Disease Outbreaks and Other Emergencies in Low and Middle Income Country Settings: a Systematic Literature Review
Authors: Courtland Robinson, Amelia Goldsmith, Peter Merkt, Alexa Edmier, Kim Stanford, Nora Hellman, Paul Spiegel
A Case Study of OFDA Health Facility Support in North Kivu
Impunity Remains: Attacks on Health Care in 23 Countries in Conflict
Venezuela Humanitarian Emergency- April 2019
Full Report in English Full Report in Spanish Report in Portuguese
Cholera in Yemen: A Case Study of Epidemic Preparedness and Response [Dec 2018]
Authors: Paul Spiegel, Ruwan Ratnayake, Nora Hellman, Daniele Lantagne, Mija Ververs, Moise Ngwa, Paul Wise
Estimating traffcking of Myanmar women for forced marriage and childbearing in China [Dec 2018]
Authors:W. Courtland Robinson, Casey Branchini, Lisa Weissberg Lisa Weissberg, Karla Percy
The Mosul Trauma Response A Case Study [Feb 2018]
Authors: Paul Spiegel, Kent Garber, Adam Kushner, Paul Wise
Full Report Exec Sum. 1 Exec Sum. 2
2017 Center Annual Report
Systematic Review of Cash Transfers in Emergencies – Campbell Review [Dec 2017]
Authors: Shannon Doocy, Hannah Tappis
Syria Cash Transfer Stakeholder Analysis [Dec 2017]
Authors: Emily Lyles, Hannah Tappis, Shannon Doocy
Effectiveness of Lean Season Transfers in Zimbabwe [Mar 2017]
Author: Bert Lof | Contributing Authors: Shannon Doocy, Hannah Tappis
Research agenda-setting on cash programming for health and nutrition in humanitarian settings [Oct 2017]
Author: Aniek Woodward | Contributing Authors: Andre Griekspoor, Kevin Savage, Claire Beck, Ann Burton, Shannon Doocy, Lara Ho, Josephine Ippe, Fernando Maldonado, Ruth McCormack, Egbert Sondorp, and Paul Spiegel
Protection Needs and Risks for Migrants in Europe: A Situation Analysis of Five Countries [Jul 2017]
Innovative Humanitarian Health Financing for Refugees [Apr 2017]
Author: Paul Spiegel | Contributing Authors: Becky Chanis, Shannon Doocy, Antonio Trujillo
Jenga Jamaa II Operations Research Final Report [Sept 2016]
Authors: Shannon Doocy, Jilliam Emerson, Emily Lerman, Elizabeth Colantuoni, Megan Cherewick, Laura Caulfield
Anti-Human Trafficking in Thailand: A Stakeholder analysis of Thai Government efforts, the U.S. tip report and rankings and recommendations for action. [Jun 2016]
Author: Courtland Robinson | Contributing Authors: Charlie Thame, Casey Branchini
Cash Feasibility Assessment in Northern Syria [May 2016]
Authors: Shannon Doocy, Hannah Tappis, Emily Lyles
Systematic Review of Cash Transfers in Emergencies – 3ie [Apr 2016]
Authors: Shannon Doocy, Hannah Tappis
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