The cascading impacts of attacks on health in Syria: A qualitative study of
Published: 06/14/2024
Syria has experienced over a decade of armed conflict, characterized by targeted violence against healthcare. The...
Five recommendations to advance implementation science for humanitarian settings: the next frontier
Published: 05/28/2024
Challenges in delivering evidence-based programming in humanitarian crises require new strategies to enhance...
The response of health systems to the needs of migrants and
Published: 05/14/2024
Protecting the health of migrants and refugees during the pandemic was a significant challenge...
Sexual and reproductive health implementation research in
Published: 05/13/2024
Meeting the health needs of crisis-affected populations is a growing challenge, with 339 million...
Case-area targeted interventions during a large-scale cholera
Published: 05/10/2024
Background: Cholera outbreaks are on the rise globally, with conflict-affected settings particularly at risk....
COVID-19 epidemiology, health services utilisation and health care seeking
Published: 04/26/2024
Although the evidence about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has increased exponentially...
How integration of refugees into national health systems became a global
Published: 04/15/2024
Despite a long history of political discourse around refugee integration, it wasn’t until...
The emergence and regression of
Published: 04/15/2024
The prolonged presence of Syrian refugees in Jordan has highlighted the need for sustainable...
Persistent Food Insecurity and Material Hardships: A Latent Class Analysis
Published: 04/04/2024
The causes and conditions of displacement often increase the vulnerability of migrant and...
The CHH–Lancet Commission on Health, Conflict, and Forced Displacement:
Published: 03/14/2024
International humanitarian law is routinely being broken with impunity in conflicts globally. Populism tinged with...
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