Paul B. Spiegel, BA, MD, MPH

Academic Rank
Professor of the Practice
Department/Institute Affiliation(s)
Department of International Health
Center Director
JHSPH Faculty Page | SciVal Research Page
Dr. Spiegel, a Canadian physician and epidemiologist, is one of the few humanitarians in the world that both responds to and researches humanitarian emergencies and migration. He is the Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health and a Distinguished Professor of the Practice in the Department of International Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Before Hopkins, Dr. Spiegel was Deputy Director of Program Management & Support and Chief of Public Health at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. He previously worked as a Medical Epidemiologist in the International Emergency and Refugee Health Branch at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and as a Medical Coordinator with Médecins Sans Frontières and Médecins du Monde in refugee emergencies.
Dr. Spiegel has published over 230 publications on humanitarian health, migration, and human rights. He is currently Chair of the CHH-Lancet Commission on Health Conflict and Forced Displacement, co-chair of Lancet Migration, and Co-Technical Director of EQUAL.
Dr. Spiegel’s extensive experience in leading humanitarian responses in the United Nations and with non-governmental organizations combined with his academic work has made him a global leader in bridging operations and academia in humanitarian health.
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