Anne Wallis

Dr. Anne Baber Wallis is faculty in the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health at the University of Louisville School of Public Health and Information Sciences. She was director of the department’s MPH in Global Maternal and Child Health. Dr. Wallis’ career is focused on making a serious and substantive contribution to what we do, what we think, and how we think about global maternal, newborn, and child health, including maternal and neonatal death, child nutrition, and the social position and health of women. Her work focuses on novel program evaluation and epidemiologic research methods want to improve to lend insight into the upstream predicates of maternal and neonatal health. Dr. Wallis has published 45+ peer-reviewed manuscripts along with dozens of monographs and editorials. Current research includes estimation of preeclampsia incidence and trends in the US, perinatal outcomes in Romania, women’s health in Armenia, menstrual hygiene among young Nigerian girls, and research about illicit financial flows in west Africa and how monetary diversion affects maternal and infant mortality. Emerging interests include maternal and neonatal health in climate emergencies. She teaches seminal classes in global health, maternal and child health, perinatal and reproductive epidemiology, child health and development, and social epidemiology. Dr. Wallis is a 1997 and 2003 graduate of Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Maternal and Child Health.
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