Ana Cristina Sedas
Dr. Ana Cristina Sedas is a dedicated advocate, physician, researcher, humanitarian and advisor with vast experience in the intersection of migration and health. Her unique bilingual and bicultural background allowed her to translate everyday experiences with refugees and migrants into translational research, policy, and implementation. Her previous role as Technical Advisor for the Health and Migration Programme at the World Health Organization allowed her to tap into her experiences in academia, community-based partnerships, humanitarian work and advocacy to transform regional voices into global research priorities shaping the WHO Global Research Agenda on Health and Migration. Her contributions to the field of health and migration go beyond strategy development and understanding the complex and dynamic experience of refugees and migrants across the globe through her dynamic partnership and collaboration with Lancet Migration, Johns Hopkins University and the International Organization for Migration where she served as a multi-country research coordinator to understand the impact of COVID-19 policies on access to healthcare for refugees and migrants in Colombia, Peru and Mexico.
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