8,000 lives hang by a thread due to Gaza’s catastrophic health crisis

The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health at Johns Hopkins University have launched a project to "estimate the potential public health impact of the health crisis in Gaza under different future trajectories of its evolution". The first report outlined a worst-case scenario, where if the war intensifies and significant disease outbreaks occur, around 85,570 individuals may die by early August. Of these, around 68,650 would result from traumatic injuries. Even with a ceasefire, around 11,580 individuals might still die during the same period if a disease outbreak exacerbates the challenges of rebuilding Gaza's sanitation and health infrastructure. Among these deaths, approximately 3,250 would be attributed to long-term complications from traumatic injuries, while 8,330 deaths would result from other causes.
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